
Privacy Policy of TaxOye: We Ovex Technologies Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. believe that Privacy is Very Important. And this Privacy Policy applies to your use of TaxOye of all the platforms and related services we are provided. Ovex Technologies Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. has created this policy to explain our privacy practices so that you will understand what information we about you is being collected used and disclosed with respect to Applications and services. WHAT KIND OF INFORMATION WE COLLECT: Personal Information: we do not collect any personal information,(We can’t stand services that ask you for things like your gender or income level for no apparent reason.) HOW WE USE COLLECTED INFORMATION: Personal Information- since we do not collect Personal Information, we may not use your personal information in any way. USERS WITH WHOM YOU SHARE YOUR INFORMATION: We cannot control the actions of other Users with whom you share your information. We cannot, and do not, control th